British man Thomas Parker was arrested in Bali, Indonesia, and if convicted faces the death penalty by firing squad ...
Y OGYAKARTA, Indonesia (AP) — Filipino death row inmate Mary Jane Fiesta Veloso knelt to pray when officers came to take her to an execution site in May 2015, just a few feet away from her ...
General's Office (AGO) has opened up the possibility of pursuing capital punishment against suspects in the corruption case ...
Thomas Parker, 32, could face the firing squad after he was arrested in January for trying to push 1.055kg of Class A drugs police say they found.
A BRIT wearing an orange jumpsuit and cuffs hung his head as he was paraded by cops after being accused of pushing a kilo of ...
Attorney General ST Burhanuddin has suggested that suspects in a corruption case pertaining to fuel imports at state energy ...
A Frenchman reprieved after 18 years on death row in Indonesia on drug offenses will have to serve 30 years in jail after being repatriated last week, a French court ruled Wednesday, February 12.
Thomas Parker, from Workington, was arrested in Bali and is set to be charged with importation, trafficking and possession of ...