Ex-Jesuit Father Marko Rupnik has been accused of abusing adult women who were under his spiritual care as part of a ...
An Irish bishop from the 12th century wrote a cryptic Latin work in which he claimed to know the sequence of popes.
The Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith has released a statement rejecting the supernatural nature of Italian writer ...
In his prepared March 5 catechesis, the Holy Father spoke about the 12-year-old Jesus’ desire to live his mission as the Son ...
The devil, who lies and sows divisions, tests everyone, even Jesus, Pope Francis said in a written homily. Satan tries to convince people that the hungry cannot be fed, that ...
and the only Lord is Jesus Christ. This is why he was a great pope, humble and sincere, who loved the church until the end.” During the 10 years they lived together in the Vatican as a reigning ...
Despite her distress at losing the 12-year-old Jesus, Mary's search for her son is a model of every Christian's journey to ...
The Vatican's Dicastery for the Doctrine of the ... are simply “literary forms that the author used to narrate the life of Jesus Christ in her own way.” To justify its position, the dicastery ...
The church opposes “the ideology that usually accompanies so many sex-change decisions,” which Cardinal Víctor Manuel ...
The attempt to project contemporary politics or our own aspirations onto such a sacred figure is always problematic.