Prince Harry's lawsuit against Mirror Group Newspapers ... from the same publisher over other articles in a separate libel lawsuit.
Britain's Prince Harry settled a longrunning libel lawsuit against British tabloids owned by Rupert Murdoch, who also owns Fox News and newspapers in the U.S. CBS News' Imtiaz Tyab has more.
Prince Harry has settled a long-running libel suit against British tabloids owned by media mogul and Fox News owner Rupert Murdoch. In a rare move, his company admitted that the way it pursued ...
Secret documents describing Prince Harry's visa records will be given to a D.C. court at a date close to Meghan Markle's ...
Prince Harry came out on the winning side of a lawsuit he launched against Rupert ... In 2023, Harry launched Harry filed a libel case against Associated Newspapers Limited (The Mail) for an ...
Prince Harry ... In this case, Harry, 40, alleged the papers had acted illegally to obtain information about him and his family between 1996 and 2011 in a lawsuit that began more than five years ...