Work-Study earnings DO NOT post to your student account. When subtracting your financial aid from your bill to plan for payment for the semester, please do not factor the Work-Study funds as a credit.
Transforming expensive private jets into affordable transportation to increase organ transplants requires smart operations management, optimization, analytics, and financial planning. Increasing organ ...
Housing rates are determined by a number of factors, including square footage of the room, proximity to a semi-private bathroom, number of residents, amenities within the room/apartment and/or ...
Carnegie Mellon University offers a wide variety of benefits and programs designed to meet the needs of faculty and staff members. From our health and welfare plan offerings and family care benefits, ...
This year's Joint Funding Committee (JFC) is responsible for allocating funds to organizations for Fiscal Year 26 (Fall 2025 - Spring 2026). For mid-year funding, please refer to the Common Funding ...
My research interests include rhetorical theory and Continental philosophy, narrative and identity, exile and transnationalism, Eastern European societies, and controversy. I teach courses on ...
Through data, Tomas Aftalion (HNZ 2012, 2015) makes the invisible visible. The Argentinian native came to Carnegie Mellon University intent on studying big data and earning master’s degrees in both ...
Carnegie Mellon University, in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA, (one of America’s most livable cities) invites scholars at risk to bring their artistic, intellectual and academic talent to Carnegie ...
Outside scholarships are any scholarships not awarded by the federal or state government or the university. Examples of outside scholarships are Gates Millennium, Rotary scholarships, National Merit ...
Request an invitation by sending an e-mail to
[email protected]. Look for the registration email that will be sent directly from (
[email protected]). Then choose the ...
A longstanding tradition of CMU Energy Week, the CMU Energy Week Student Poster Competition is calling for posters that showcase the innovative work of CMU’s students. This competition allows all ...
Please review the below dates carefully, in preparation for your abstract and poster submission for the virtual CMU Energy Student Poster Competition.