Is it possible to see into the future Many believe that a man named Michel de Nostradamus could His predictions of the future have mystified scholars for over four hundred years Nostradamus made over ...
Mamun Singh. This is what happens in the 30 seconds before you die...and whether your life really flashes before your eyes ...
Ayodhya mobilisation is a clear and present danger to citizens and national security As rightwing outfits from Shiv Sena to VHP descended on Ayodhya over the weekend calling on government to expedite ...
Negative comments on Mahatma Gandhi is like spitting on sky He has already proved himself to the world now on his birthday if we question about his being a Mahatma and about his principals is not righ ...
The Mahabharat is one of the two major epics in Sanskrit of ancient India It contains over one lakh couplets and is thrice as long as the Bible However only a fraction of the narration actually ...
The recent demise of actor Farooq Sheikh prompts me to share with you a dialogue from the film Saath Saath which I must have repeated a zillion times in my talks Farooq Sheikh was the main protagonist ...
Why lord Murugan has two wives?
Taurus is the proverbial bull Bull in a china shop Studbull Varasyajee the allwhite bull which the Zorastrians keep and use for ceremonial occasions Actually the urine of the bull is usedfor ...
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