Isma'ilism - Wikipedia
Isma'ilism rose at one point to become the largest branch of Shia Islam, climaxing as a political power with the Fatimid Caliphate in the 10th through 12th centuries. Ismailis believe in the oneness of God, as well as the closing of divine revelation with Muhammad, whom they see as "the final Prophet and Messenger of God to all humanity".
伊斯玛仪派 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
伊斯玛仪派 (阿拉伯语 الإسماعيليون(al-Ismā‘īliyyūn), 波斯语 اسماعیلیان(Esmâ‘īliyân)),亦称“七伊玛目派”、“亦思馬因派” [7],是 伊斯兰教 什叶派 中最有影响的支派之一。 目前信徒超过1500万人。 伊斯玛仪派与 十二伊玛目派 对前六任 伊玛目 的意见是一致的,分歧点在于第七任伊玛目的人选问题。 伊斯玛仪派认为,第六任伊玛目萨迪克立次子穆萨·卡孜姆为伊玛目继承人是不合法的,其长子 伊斯瑪儀·本·賈法爾 应为合法继承人,由此而引起内部分歧。 伊斯玛仪虽然早亡,但他 …
伊斯玛仪派 - 百度百科
伊斯玛仪派(Isma‘iliyya),伊斯兰教什叶派主要支派之一。 亦称七伊玛目派。 在中世纪伊斯兰教史上,伊斯玛仪派在思想、政治、军事上均产生了广泛深刻的影响。
Nizari Isma'ilism - Wikipedia
Nizari Isma'ilism (Arabic: النزارية, romanized: al-Nizāriyya) are the largest segment of the Ismaili Muslims, who are the second-largest branch of Shia Islam after the Twelvers. [1] Nizari teachings emphasise independent reasoning or ijtihad ; pluralism —the acceptance of racial, ethnic, cultural and inter-religious differences; and ...
Isma’iliyyah | History, Movements, Theology, & Facts | Britannica
Isma’iliyyah, sect of Shi’ah Islam that was most active as a religiopolitical movement from the 9th to the 13th century through its constituent movements—the Fatimids, the Qaramitah (Qarmatians), and the Nizaris. Learn more about the Isma’iliyyah in this article.
History of Nizari Isma'ilism - Wikipedia
The History of Nizari Isma'ilism from the founding of Islam covers a period of over 1400 years. It begins with Muhammad's mission to restore to humanity the universality and knowledge of the oneness of the divine within the Abrahamic tradition, through the final message and what the Shia believe was the appointment of Ali as successor and …
Bāṭinīyah | Shi’ism, Isma’ilism, Qarmatians | Britannica
Ismāʿīliyyah, sect of Shiʿah Islam that was most active as a religiopolitical movement in the 9th–13th century through its constituent movements—the Fāṭimids, the Qarāmiṭah (Qarmatians), and the Nīzarī s.
1990 The Ismailis Their History And Doctrines By Daftary
May 28, 2022 · detailed synthesis of the complex history of Isma'ilism. His presentation fully reflects the progress of recent research, widely scattered in editions of texts, monographs and articles, and integrates it into an evenly readable account. In some areas, especially on the modern developments, entirely new ground is covered.
The Isma'ilis : Their History and Doctrines - Google Books
Apr 24, 1992 · This authoritative book traces the history and doctrinal development of the Isma'ili movement from its origins to the present day, a period of twelve centuries. It is the first comprehensive...
Isma'ilism - Wikiwand
Isma'ilism is a branch of Shia Islam. The Isma'ili get their name from their acceptance of Imam Isma'il ibn Jafar as the appointed spiritual successor (imām) to...